Communication of Piano Timbre
Shen Li
Music lover, music researcher
I finished my Ph.D. in psychology of music at the Department of Music at the University of Sheffield in 2020 and am now a postdoc at Central China Normal University. My research background is piano performance(BA) and psychology of music (MA, MMUS). I have gained knowledge from both piano practice and piano performance research, and now is actively working on exchanging the knowledge from these two fields.
My Ph.D. research project focussed on piano timbre -- to offer a psychological perspective on the production/perception of colourful piano sounds. I am interested in issues including embodied music cognition, mind/body integration, visual communication in music performance, and metaphor understanding in the music performance and education context.
Shen's project
Conceptualization and communication of piano timbre in performance and educational context.
My research project is about the perception and production of piano timbre, especially the conceptualization process, communication, and learning/teaching issues related to piano timbre. This project is funded by Chinese Scholarship Council.
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Further information
What is piano timbre? I've talked with Tom McKinney (BBC Radio 3 presenter, Programme Manager Music In The Round) about my research project on piano timbre. We discussed the interesting topic of the tone-touch debate between pianists and physicians, and the importance of visual communication in music performance.