Music and Artificial Intelligence

Music, Mind, Machine are collaborating with MiMA (Machine Intelligence for Music and Audio) on a range of projects exploring the impacts of artificial intelligence for music making and creating new software tools.

Encountering ethics and IP in AI music generation 

A number of collaborations between Professor Guy Brown, Dr Ning Ma and professional musicians have resulted in AMI, a music generation software. With the help of Dr Mathilde Pavis (University of Reading) and Research Assistant Dr Jake Downs we’re now working with musician ilā Kamalagharan to explore the ethical and IP issues encountered in the process of using the music generation software.  (Supported by QR Policy funding December 2022-July 2023)

Making Micromusics

The contemporary mediascape of sonic branding is characterised by short-duration music (sound logos, video clips) for which current compositional methods are ill equipped. This collaboration with sonic branding agency Maison Mercury Jones, draws on musical, cognitive and computational approaches to i) investigate sonic identity across musical materials of different durations, ii) propose a theoretical framework for sonic identity in branding contexts, and iii) create a musical summarisation software tool helpful to sound branding practitioners. (Supported by a WRoCAH Collaborative Doctoral Award, 2023-2026: Making micromusics: musical summarisation for sonic branding)

Voice Banking, Vocal Creativity and AI

Our voice is a central part of our identity, which can be experienced as a positive means of self expression and connection with others, and a source of anxiety for those living with gender dysphoria. We are working with the founders of Trans Voices (the UK’s first trans+ choir) to create software which will enable novel vocal creativity resulting in new music performances/recordings. Vocal recordings banked prior to gender affirmation healthcare, and new musical material post-treatment will be combined using a bespoke software tool, enabling novel creative techniques. This will enable singers to explore their vocal identity in new ways, and offers a way of valuing trans voices, and help them be heard literally and metaphorically. (Supported by an Arts and Humanities Small Grant fund, December 2022-July 2023)